Looking for bloggers!
- {Mimo} & {LD Store} is looking for bloggers if you are interested please send a notecard to laph Dimitriaski with your SL name and the address of your blog ❤

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2015

{Mimo} New & {LD Store}

Hello everyone, {LD Store} has a new store called {Mimo} in order to make more delicate garments for babies...

And here are their first releases

{Mimo} Pack 1 ToddleeDoo Socks

{Mimo} Cute Kiss Dress ToddleeDoo {Mimo} Cute Bear Dress ToddleeDoo

About: LD remains closed and only available in the marketplace

But you can find the {Mimo} Little Boutique here

sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014

Ava Skin for Mesh Head !!

This skin is for mesh body toddleedoo and mesh heads by Cute Bytes only... 
version for regular avatar is coming :)

Ava Skin Mesh Head 

Freckles version includes freckles in all faces and optional freckles in the body

Ava Skin Freckles Mesh Head

both includes version with eyeliner

PS. only in marketplace at moment